
Biography of Winston Churchill

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The year was 1940; the world’s second great World War was in full swing, with Britain and Germany at the forefront. The fall of Britain’s closest ally, France, stunned the British Empire and threw it into disarray. Through the chaos, Winston Churchill emerged. Churchill would be an inspiring leader who was able to rally the entire nation in times of hardship. Through his leadership, the “British Bulldog” would face the Axis powers and come out victorious, as well as become a public hero for the British people. Yet, immediately after the war, Churchill did not return to the prime minister seat because of a shocking defeat in his re-election, despite his immense reputation he gained from the war. Though lauded by the British population for his prowess as a wartime leader, Churchill’s conservative politics were out of touch with a population ready for post-war relief and led to his defeat in the 1945 election. Churchill got his conservative politics from being raised in the Victorian era Britain, where he learned to be ambitious, and have a strong sense of independence (Ben-Moshe 8). This unrelenting ambition Churchill obtained would earn him his reputation, and lead to his loss in the 1945 election. Churchill practiced conservative politics, because he lived in an era when Conservatives ruled parliament (Havighurst 63). At the turn of the century, however, conservative practices would soon become outdated. It was with the emergence of the Liberal Party, that public opinion

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