
Essay On Birth Control Pills

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Birth control pills should be available without a prescription. Oral contraceptive has been a controversial topic for years. Oral contraceptives are a common form of birth control. Birth control is used to prevent pregnancy by blocking a male’s sperm from fertilizing a female’s egg. Women take birth control to prevent pregnancy. Also, teen women can prevent unwanted pregnancies by having access to over the counter birth control pills. Birth control pills should be available without a prescription.
The first reason birth control pills should be available without a prescription is that other countries allow women to purchase birth control pills without a prescription. Nations like China, Russia, and Greece have made birth control pills …show more content…

Women do not have to set an appointment with their doctor and having to wait a week or more for their appointment.But with the over the counter birth control, consumers can go to their local pharmacy and pick up their birth control pills. When over the counter pills are easier to access, the more patient will use it. Everybody in America should be able to receive birth control (Laura Bassett). Some women do not have access to a doctor which makes it harder for them to have birth control. Having over the counter birth control pill will be easier for people to have.
The final and most important reason birth control pills should be available without a prescription is because birth control pills prevent unwanted pregnancy.Most women that don't want a baby will consider the over the counter pill( Grossman, Daniel). Women use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy. “Birth control over the counter pills helps reduce the pregnancy rate in the United States”( Grossman, Daniel). When women or teens use birth control due to unprotected sex. Women use birth control because they know how effective it is. Most reasons women use birth control is to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The birth control protects women from unwanted pregnancy. On the other hand, experts believe that birth control pills should not be available without a prescription because of the risks and the decrease in

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