
Black Males Enter Educational Environments Questioning

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Black males enter educational environments questioning if they belong while trying to survive. Schools reflect critical factors that impact how Black males see themselves and how they envision their futures. Brooms (2016) asserts that school culture cannot understand the context of the lived experiences of Black males within education without positioning them as victims of the system. However, it is due to “institutional racism, intergenerational poverty, and the lack of meaningfully sustained educational reform and community development (Brooms, 2016)” that disproportionately puts Black males at risk for educational failure. Polite and Davis (1999) adds that “to be an African American male in school and society places one at risk for a …show more content…

They always cared about you even when you got in trouble; they didn’t want to see you fail. I think that’s what made it a good experience (pp. 11-12).
Educators’ ability to show that they care is critical in making students feel they belong and are supported. This connection supports the academic aspirations of students. Parents have also utilized educators as a social support network in helping their sons achieve academic success. The educator-student relationship is an integral part of Black male success in K-12 as a sense of belonging leads to cognitive engagement and behaviors—defined by activities supportive of gaining an education—that demonstrate the ability to know how to do school (Martin, 2010). Furthermore, “the degree to which students know how to do school is predicted by their sense of fairness, safety and belonging in the school setting, their intellectual interest in school, and feeling they have supportive adult relationships in school (Martin, 2010, p. 11).”
Black male students also acknowledged that many of their best educators demonstrate support daily. This includes educators who academically challenge them, provide evidence of how education is linked to their future goals, and show genuine interest and care for their students. Allen (2015) found that caring for students specifically included making students feel welcomed within the classroom environment. One of Allen’s

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