
Business Ethics And Governance Of A Capitalist Corporation

Best Essays

Business, Ethics and Governance

MGT2204 – Assignment 3
Word limit: 2000 words

Prepared for Gerard Betros
Prepared by Rebekah Pink
Student ID: 0061029305


Ethics in business addresses the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ behaviours of business practises, and how these practices impact the employees, shareholders, the general public and the environment.

This essay will take a look at two different types of business structures; the capitalist corporation and the workers cooperative, and review how the differing approach to business and the fundamental ideologies of each, impacts ethical practises.

To highlight this, I will look at more specifically at capitalist organisation ANZ and cooperative Mondragon Cooperative Corporation and how they deal with the potential ethical dilemmas of fair wages for employees and executive remuneration.

Fundamental Ideologies of a Capitalist Corporation

The fundamental ideologies of a capitalist corporation can vary from company to company, but typically all have the same underlying purpose – to make a profit. Often, a business’ ideologies are expressed in the form of an organisational vision or mission statement – a simple statement demonstrating to the public, and reminding the employees, the goal of the organisation. These vision or mission statements usually look at the ‘bigger picture’ of what an organisation wants to achieve. Examples being:
• “To be a trusted partner setting the standard of excellence for recruitment in

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