
Camera Techniques Used in Hitchcock’s Thriller Movie, Vertigo

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Camera Techniques Used in Hitchcock’s Thriller Movie, Vertigo

A thriller is a type of film that usually instills excitement and suspense into the audience. A thriller is commonly described as a tense edge of the seat environment. The movie, Vertigo, is one of the most famous thrillers ever made. However, Vertigo does not fit into the stereotypical genre of thriller. Vertigo, often viewed as an experimental film because it was one of the first major thrillers of that time that used many different and innovative camera techniques. These techniques used in this film are different types of lighting, montage, intense music, etc. Vertigo is known to be one of Hitchcock’s best movies because of his unique sense of style and his famous …show more content…

When Scottie falls into his state of Vertigo, the camera seems to go berserk with different angles and colors. Specifically near the end of the movie when Scottie falls in his dream, his Vertigo seems to kick in on overdrive. The implementation of the creeping music, the flashes of colors, the scared look, and the montage of expressions proves that Vertigo was a form of a thriller movie. Does Vertigo fit into the genre of thriller? Yes. But does Vertigo fit the thriller genre before, now, and in the future? That is the question that is going to be answered.

In the beginning of the movie, the audience is thrown into immediate action. At first you see a cop chase a man and Scottie, the detective, following. The music increases the suspense as the audiences waits anxiously to see what is going on. Scottie all of a sudden falls and is holding on to dear life at the end of the roof. This is when the audience first learns about Scottie’s Vertigo. The audience can feel his fear of heights. The feel of a thriller movie incapacitates that audience at this point because they are wondering at the edge of their seats what is going to happen. As the audience sees the point of view of Scottie looking down onto the ground, they can feel Scottie’s Vertigo. The camera work on that shot was revolutionary in that film period. The camera seems to blur and zoom in and out to portray how scared Scottie is. The lighting in this shot and

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