
Capitalism In The Gilded Age

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An American writer, Susan Sontag, stated that capitalism is, “the ideology [which] makes us all into connoisseurs of liberty—of the indefinite expansion of possibility”. From 1850 to 1907, there was a mass immigration to America and the rise of ‘Gilded Age’ which the United States population and economy grew quickly. Capitalism is a social and economic system where both the means of production and any associate trades are privately owned. During 1850 to 1907, there were a number of factors which contributed to the rise of Capitalism such as: significant entrepreneurial figures such as Henry Ford; mass immigration and cheap labour; and Railway and telegraph lines expansion to transport goods to be sold.

During the ‘Gilded Age’, businesses and industries bloomed in order to create profit and enable people to gain …show more content…

The ‘Gilded Age’ began from 1870s to 1900s and its politics contributed to the advancement of Capitalism. Entrepreneurs’ business practices were barbaric and unethical, then they were named as the ‘Robber Barons’. The ‘Robber Barons’ established monopolies, mistreated and exploited their workers. These savage practices lead to the establishment of the Antitrust Act which regulates businesses and promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers and diminish business monopolies. Between 1880s and 1890s were the years of significant political crisis. One of the notable political conflict was the farmers’ revolt in the late 19th century. Farmers’ lifestyle was complicated due to drought, boll weevils, rising costs, rising costs, declining prices, and high interest rates. They blamed railroad owners, land monopolists and other businesses. The farmers formed an alliance and the ‘Populist Party’. Populist Party aimed to increase the amount of money in circulation, repay loans with government assistance, reducing tariffs and a graduated income

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