
Case Study: Lean Implementation at Siemens' Kalwa Plant

Decent Essays

Graduate School of Business Faculty of Business & Accountancy
CMGB6104: Operation Management

Case Study: Lean Implementation at Siemens' Kalwa Plant

Prepared For:
Dr. Kanagi Kanapathy

Prepared by Group 5 (Wednesday 6.30 p.m. class):

Jamaludin Muhamad Yusof CGA 120092
Sathisveran CGA 100081
Vinoden Subramaniam CGA 120012
Payam Nasehi CGA 120079
Salwa Faharudin CGA 110110

Table of Contents Page
2.0 QUESTION 1 8
3.0 QUESTION 2 11
3.0 QUESTION 3 13
5.0 QUESTION 4 15
6.0 QUESTION 5 17


Briefly, in this case we …show more content…

Lean objectives and target was communicated clearly to the whole team in Kalwa plant e. Introduction of Gewald to the shop floor workers and office employees to clearly communicate the initiative and the lean implementation objectives f. Clearly communicate that lean implementation to be introduced to only manufacture of panels and VCB. g. Provide clear reason on why the two (manufacture of panels and VCB) was chosen

4. Formation of Implementation team to operationalize and monitor h. Siemens Kalwa Plant General Manager, Mr Khandekar as the head for both the panels and VCB implementation team i. Supported by Mr Vedak for VCB j. Working group from cross functional team managers and executives

5. Site visit to learn from a real life lean implementation k. 2-3 team members and Mr Vedak visited lean plant Maruti l. Kandekar and Vedak visited Siemens Switchboard in Turkey

6. Appointment of consultant to help on the lean implementation m. The consultant provide tangible potential benefits i. Increased productivity of labours ii. Reduction in Inventory Level iii. Improve space utilization n. Knowledge sharing and best practice based on real life lean implementation from other industries

7. Organization are highly committed and motivated in implementing lean o. Group leaders support the workers maintaining the pace of the line p. Khandekar and his management

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