
Case Study: Six P's Exercise

Satisfactory Essays

Six P’s Exercise
Use the following form in a class exercise as directed by your instructor to analyze your project idea or the idea of someone else in your class.

• Patron. Who might fund your idea? Why would they fund it?
Rutgers University would fund my idea since by controlling drug and alcohol abuse, this project would directly benefit its students, enhance its reputation and decrease the numbers of accidents caused by drug and alcohol abuse.

• Population. Who does the problem affect? That is, who has a stake in seeing that there is a solution to the problem? Does your population have the same interests as the patron?
The whole Rutgers community is negatively affected by this problem. My project will mainly serve to students and help them …show more content…

Students’ safety should be the first priority of universities. It is a serious problem for Rutgers community since a student died due to alcohol-poisoning in 1988. And the worst part was that some students were still not aware of the dangers of drug and alcohol. The research could be based on the data relevant to the use of alcohol and drugs in Rutgers fraternity, sonority and even in dormitories.

• Paradigm. What disciplines might be useful in developing a disciplinary matrix for providing a rationale for action? Where might models of success be found to help shape the plan? What specific types of research would help?
According to the article about Callahan’s death, several methods could be helpful for controlling drug and alcohol abuse: suspending social activities, holding seminars on the dangers of drinking, supervising the fraternity system, employing more residential advisers to crack down on drinking. The success of drugs and alcohol policies from other universities could be appropriate models for this program. The research about drug, alcohol, psychology, human behavior and students’ social life would help to conduct this

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