
Case Study: the Jack Welch Era at General Electric

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MGT430 Business Government & Society
Mr. Burt

Case Study 2

Please read Case Study: The Jack Welch Era at General Electric in Chapter 5 and answer questions 1 & 3. Please submit the answers by the end of week #3. At least one page is required.


Did GE in the Welch era fulfill its social responsibility duty? Could it have done better? What should it have done?

Chapter 5 in the text, Business, Government, and Society by John F. Steiner and George A. Steiner, corporate social responsibility is defined as the corporate duty to create wealth by using means that avoid harm to, protect, or enhance social assets. General Electric in the Jack Welch Era fulfilled its corporate social responsibility but by marginal measures. …show more content…

These were all conscious business decisions by GE’s management.

4. Corporations have a duty to correct adverse social impacts they cause. GE failed the basic elements of corporate social responsibility which is to take voluntary actions that go beyond what is compelled by law, regulations, or other mandates. It not only did not cut its pollution outputs to below the legally permitted levels, it missed minimum allowable levels completely, according to the text. Many of the 39 offenses mentioned earlier, most were from pollution hazards. Additionally, GE failed to correct adverse environmental impact caused by its manufacturing plants. According to the text, GE was responsible for polluting the Hudson River with toxins from its manufacturing plant in New York. As oppose to collaborating with governmental agencies utilizing its financial and corporate positioning to correct or at the very least, mitigate the issue; GE instead spent almost a half of billion to win the fight against the cleanup efforts.

5. Social responsibility varies with company characteristics such as size, industry, products, strategies, marketing techniques, locations, internal cultures, and external demands. GE’s line of businesses mostly consisted of 85% manufacturing in the 80’s and eventually grew into 70% services driven. Thus, GE has a greater social obligation to protect the environment because of the pollutants from its manufacturing plants then say a company such

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