
Cats: An Open Book

Satisfactory Essays

Cats are not exactly an open book, sometimes it takes a little while to learn them and then only when they feel you are ready, they will allow you to be their caregiver. Cats have a unique personality and with that come some pretty interesting facts about cats:

1. Most cats are lactose intolerant and should not be given cow’s milk.
2. When cats knead their paws it’s because they are happy.
3. Cats have more than 100 different vocal sounds.
4. An adult cat has 30 teeth.
5. Cats can run up to 30 miles per hour.
6. A cat can jump seven times its height.
7. Cats don’t have a sweet tooth; they cannot taste anything that’s sweet.
8. Cats have a sense of smell 14 times stronger than a human.
9. Cats greet one another by touching noses.
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