
Cause Of The Protestant Reformation Essay

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Cause of the Protestant Reformation
During the 16th century, Europe experienced changes that shaped the country forever. Humanism became the dominant philosophical stance, advances were made in art and literature, royal power grew, and explorations lead to the discovery of gold and silver. This discovery made Europeans “money-mad”. However, none of these events were quite as revolutionary as the Protestant Reformation of 1517. The Reformation was a schism that caused the people of Europe to make a choice between Protestant and Catholic. Many people were unsatisfied with the church; it had become corrupt. The wealth of the church had greatly increased and it had become greatly unorganized. The Protestant Reformation was caused by the abuses …show more content…

Simony is the sale of church offices of members of the clergy, including that of bishops and cardinals (“The Reformation” 1). “‘Simony’ received its name from Simon the Magician, who in the book of Acts, offered money to Simon Peter for his spiritual gifts, to which Peter replied, ‘thy money perish with thee.’” (“The Lutheran Reformation”). Simony was very popular during the 15th and 16th centuries although it was a sin. “In 1487, the pope sold 24 offices” (“The Reformation” 1). Because the clerical positions were then held by whoever possessed the highest fortune, the officials in power knew very little about the church. Priests would teach people many different things that often had very little to do with the Bible. Reformers were extremely angered that unqualified people could hold positions of power. These sales increased the wealth of the Catholic Church and caused resentment and jealousy in people of all economic statuses. This abuse also led to anti-clericalism, a dislike and distrust of the clergy. “Some people began to argue that the layperson was just as good as the priest…” (Kreis). Martin Luther, an Augustinian monk from Germany was one of the founders of the Protestant Reformation, and penned the 95 Theses (“Martin Luther and The 95 Theses”). In his Theses, Luther criticized simony as one of the main issues with the Catholic Church that needed

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