
Causes Of Global Warming

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Global Warming
What is it?
Global warming is when the average global temperature increases. The global temperature has increased to the fastest ever recorded rate in history in the past half century. Climate changes like global warming is the result of human practices like the emission of Greenhouse gases. Global warming leads to rising temperatures of the ground and oceans causing melting of polar ice caps, a rise in sea levels as well as unnatural patterns of precipitation such as flash floods, excessive snow or desertification.
Why does it occur?
The main cause of global warming is due to greenhouse gases as well as other air pollutants that collect in the atmosphere. Sunlight and solar radiation that should have bounced off the earth’s surface is absorbed by these pollutants. If the pollutants weren’t in the atmosphere, radiation would escape into space. Pollutants are known to last as long as centuries within the atmosphere, they trap heat and in turn cause the planet to overheat. This is the greenhouse effect; the greenhouse effect is the cause of global warming.
How do you know Global warming occurs?
There are 10 main indicators of Global Warming, these indicators are; land surface temperature, sea surface temperature, air temperature over the oceans, lower troposphere temperature, ocean heat content, sea level, humidity, glaciers, the Northern Hemisphere snow cover and sea ice. Temperatures (Land, sea, air, lower troposphere) have all rose to the highest recorded in history in the last decade. This has caused the humidity to increase as well as the ocean heat content, because of the increase in humidity, glaciers and snow covers have been melting and due to ocean heat content sea ice levels have decreased.
Who it affects and negative effects.
Global warming affects everyone. It affects our environment, the place we call home, and in turn it affects us. Humans can’t function without the environment, we rely on the environment for food, for water, and as our home.
An increase in temperature can cause serious issues in agriculture, there has been a struggle to maintain the specific conditions crops need in order to survive. A study that was published by Stanford University showed that global wheat

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