
Causes Of The American Revolution

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Lily Eakin History June 27, 2017 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION The American Revolution, which took place between the years 1765 and 1783, was much more than just a physical revolution of war. It was not just fighting. It all began with the Seven Years War, which put the British into such a horrible debt that they had to tax their colonies. The Stamp Act dissolved into the Townshend Act, which began the tea tax. Eventually, this led to an up-rise in the colonies, and people revolted. The Revolution was a change in the way that countries were run. People were neglected and placed into heavy debt, religious intolerance was rampant, and there was mass persecution present. The people wanted a change, and they seized it. The first event that started lead up to the Revolutionary War was the Seven Years War. The Seven Years War took place between the years of 1754 and 1763. When the British were having the Americans take over Indian Land, the French reached out to the Indians to join forces as allies. The Indians, with the permission of the French, attacked the British and stole from them. The Indians stopped attacking the British in 1763 when they signed the Paris treaty. It is also important to note that before the Seven Years War, Britain was neglecting its colonies, which was a big reason that the Americans were not worried about the sudden overbearing nature of the parliamentary. The Seven Years War, also known as the French and Indian War, took a lot out of the British

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