
Causes Of The American Revolution

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The American Revolution

The American Revolution (1775-83) was also known as the American Revolutionary War and as the U.S. War of Independence. The conflict arose because of growing tensions between residents of Great Britain's 13 colonies and the colonial government.

For more than a decade before the outbreak of the American Revolution in 1775, tensions had been arising between colonists and British authorities. The government tried to raise revenue by taxing the colonies which caused a protest among the colonists. They resented their lack of representation in parliament and demanded same rights as other British subjects. This led to violence in 1770 and was known as the Boston Massacre.

After December 1773 a group dressed as Mohawk Indians boarded British ships and dumped 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor. Parliaments then passed a series of measures known as the Intolerable, or Coercive Acts to reassert authority in Massachusetts. In response to that a group of colonial delegates met in Philadelphia in September 1774 to voice their concerns to the British crown. The group of men was George Washington, John and Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, and John Jay to declare the rights of citizens including life, liberty, property, assembly and trial by jury. A man by the name of Lafayette appealed directly to congress to serve as a volunteer under Washington's command.. They voted to meet again in May 1775 to consider future action, but violence had already broke out. On

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