
Causes Of The American War Of Independence

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The American Revolution began in the United States (1775-1788), this was called The American War of Independence. There were 5 causes which were Seven Years’ war (1756-1763), sugar act (1764), stamp act (1765), Boston tea party (1773) and intolerable act (1774) in order. One of the main causes of the American Revolution was Seven Years’ war. This war was between Britain and France in 1756-63 ended with the Victoria British being deeply in death and demanding more revenue from the colonist. The French were defeated and the colonists would be free to expand westwards. William Pitt who is the Secretary of England takes away the military power from the American colonists to England and while they were fighting, …show more content…

There were 5 acts which are Boston port act, Massachusetts Government act, Administration Justice Act, Quartering act and Quebec act. The intolerable act was to close the port of Boston until the tea that had been destroyed need to be paid. Also, American people were meant to be punished of the people Massachusetts for the Boston party because they threw a large shipment into Boston Harbour. Massachusetts Government act is under control of Britain and was designed to punish people in Boston for the incident that would become known as Boston tea party. Administration Justice Act or Murder act was an act for British Government and started on May 20, 1774. It was called as Murder act because colonial fear that royal may try to escape capital punishment. The Quartering Act which meant the American citizen had to give accommodative to the British’s soldiers during occupation. The king of England wanted to recover the cost of putting British soldier to fight this war so he imposed taxes and demanded British soldiers would stay in American homes. People were afraid and this was the act that the colonist thought something must be done. Quebec act was passed by British parliament in June 22, 1774. This act was for extended the boundaries of Quebec and liberty for religious to Catholic Canadians. In conclusion, these 5 causes in American Revolution ended in 1788 At Yorktown, Virginia. The American Revolution started because issue of taxes. However, Seven Years’ war was the most important cause because it begun those

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