
Causes Of The Southern Secession

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Southern secession? I cannot think of something more ridiculous. The way it was handled and the reasons were just flat out disgraceful. It all started with South Carolina is 1860 and it was all about slavery and states rights. First off, the way they declared secession and proceeded to do so was illegal. To begin with everyday we recite the pledge of allegiance where it states, “one nation, indivisible”. Those southerners recited the same pledge we did and they recited themselves that this union is indivisible. Next, under the constitution of the United States of America secession was and always will be considered illegal because of Article 10 Section 1. In this part of the constitution it was illustrated that, “No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation….”. The southern states obviously did not follow that and violated the constitution they agreed to abide by themselves. When they concurred to join the Union they agreed to join an indivisible nation. Nowhere could they make a complaint worthy enough to try to separate for the states that they agreed to join, but of course they tried to with the controversial subject of slavery. They claimed that they needed slaves for their economy and that may be true, but slavery was never ok. It’s just simple ethics and principles, why would it be fine to treat someone like an animal and have them do hard labor for your plantation for free? It was just wrong and on top of that they would bring them from Africa

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