
Chapter 5-5 Critical Thinking

Satisfactory Essays

Chapter 5-Think, “Steps Four: Identifying, Defining, Narrowing, and Solving Problems” pg. 122-126
I found this activity helpful. I want to start eating healthier, but first, I had to ask myself a question. What factors contribute to my unhealthy diet? I identified the things I eat, circled the unhealthy foods and decided to cut them out my diet. My obstacles are sticking with the diet, so I identified my obstacles by narrowing the root of the problem. I researched some healthy eating plan to follow. I created possible solutions, and comments about my new diet, and I went grocery shopping for healthier foods.
Chapter 5-Think, “Figure 5.11 Characteristics of Creative Thinking” pg. 132-133
After reading this idea, I asked myself, what are my

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