
Character Analysis Of Fahrenheit 451

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Albert Camus once stated, “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” If something is not the way that it ethically should be then it is acceptable to rebel within the parameters of what is morally correct. In Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, he presents a world where the government has restricted access to printed literature so that they can acquire increased control over their citizens. The main character, Guy Montag, shows incredible growth in his personality through his journey of enforcing and blindly accepting the government restrictions to stop the flow of information to a realization that the sharing of knowledge leads to a stronger community. Guy Montag’s character consists of many qualities including that he is a loyal and accepting government employee that works as a "fireman" whose job is to destroy all remaining books and to burn the personal property of those that he caught reading the outlawed books. A depressing and lonely home life influences Montag's character, including a drug-addicted and shallow wife, named Millie. While sadness and loss surround Montag, he is a strong individual that can overcome obstacles and the challenge of the government’s policies. Montag struggles when he realizes the impact of his orders from his boss puts on others, and that he must take a stand for the betterment of the community. Rebellion becomes an option when the government is not

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