
Character Flaws In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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One of Romeos flaws that conflict him the most is one the most important characters in this play he was born into the Montague family known for their wealth. Romeo was granted automatic respect when he entered a room, even his worst enemies knew of him. Romeo acted as most people do who are born into rich families, they lack responsibility. Romeo is a classic character who has several character Flaws. A huge character flaw that Romeo had was his carelessness a better word to describe this is Impetuosity which means acting or doing quickly without care. Romeo shows this Impetuosity all throughout the play for example his ability to fall madly in love with Juliet and forget about Rosaline so easily. It’s surprising that Romeo would fall in love …show more content…

Romeo just made careless decisions not thinking of future consequences which eventually lead to his death. If Romeo didn’t make such quick decisions he could have prevented his own death. Romeo set up every conflict in the play because of his actions and emotions. Romeo is to blame for this tragedy, every death in this story has to do with Romeo and his actions often times got other people killed. For example, if Juliet would’ve never came across Romeo once he was dead she would have never killed herself in act V scene 3 lines 119-120 “Here’s to my love! O, true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.” Romeo killed himself because he couldn’t control his emotions but if he would’ve waited just a tad bit longer he would’ve gotten to be with Juliet. Romeos actions killed his mother Act V scene 3 lines 210-211 “Alas, my liege my wife is dead tonight! Grief of my son’s exile hath sopped her breath.” If Romeo would not have broken up the fight and killed, he would have never been banned from the town and his mother would have never

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