
Christina Rossetti's Goblin Market

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Synopsis of the Minor Project

“Laura as the new Eve with reference to Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market”
In partial fulfilment of the requirements for Award of Degree of
Masters of Arts in English

Submitted By: Submitted to:
Name: Harshita Sethi Dr. Shuchi Agarwal
Enrolment No.: A0710315005
MA English 2nd Semester

Amity Institute of English Studies and Research
Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market is a fundamentally multi-folded poem consisting of allegorical pieces tending to join forces with several …show more content…

Alike Eve she suffered and got tempted, and went through a Fall, but Unlike Eve, she got redemption. Hence she is an evolved version of Eve. It deals with various other aspects of Goblin market written by Christina Rossetti. Christina Rossetti alludes to the traditional discussion of forbidden fruit and the biblical account of the Fall. She does so both to challenge the decidedly patriarchal perception of women within Victorian culture in terms of sexuality, education and the marketplace and also to reconstruct the Christian idea of redemption. Her use of similar diction, metaphors and phrases somehow reminds us of Milton’s Paradise Lost. And further leads us to compare the two falls. Rossettti manages to put in her own perceptions and show us of how women were earlier treated and how they are now supposed to be treated in the evolved society. She tries to secure a safe position for women. Not only this, she conveys a very good message of how a woman can undergo salvation and redemption even after going through any kind of sins. Female sexuality and education were persistently, although strangely enough, linked in Rossetti's time, so it seems reasonable to assume that in "Goblin Market" she considers both the issues. The forbidden fruit undoubtedly refers to female sexuality, as many critics have stated, yet it can also relate to female education and knowledge. After all, it was from the …show more content…

The Pre-Raphaelite movement was primarily Christian in emphasis and was a reaction against both Victorian materialism and artistic neoclassicism. At the time of its publication, Goblin Market was considered to be the first major literary achievement of the movement. Dorothy Mermin (1983) described .Goblin Market as a "vision of a Pre-Raphaelite world from a woman's point of view." Furthermore, Mermin supports a biographical reading of the poem in which Rossetti imagines a Pre-Raphaelite sisterhood which she did not feel existed in

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