
Circadian Rhythm Quiz

Decent Essays

1. ___________ is the major circadian rhythm hormone.
a. Cortisol
b. Thyrotropin
c. Melatonin
d. Growth hormone

2. Monthly menstrual cycles are an example of ___________ rhythm.
a. Annual
b. Circadian
c. Ultradian
d. Diurnal

3. Wintering over is a syndrome that 50% of the Antarctic inhabitants experience during the winter. This suggests that:
a. Mood is highly correlated with circadian rhythm
b. Mood is highly correlated with annual rhythm
c. Mood is highly correlated with Ultradian rhythm
d. Mood is hughly correlated with Diurnal rhythm

4. ___________is a region of the brain in the hypothalamus, situated directly above the _________.
a. Optic chiasm, Suprachiasmatic nucleus
b. Pineal gland, optic chiasm
c. Pineal gland,

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