
Civil War Dbq Essay

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Before the Civil War, the North and South's attempt to resolve matters at any time was through compromise. One significant issue that could not have a solution found over time was slavery. Northerners supported the abolition of slavery. However, the South depended on slavery. As this conflict intensified, the South figured that compromise would no longer function. The South's breaking point was Lincoln's election. The South withdrew from the Union; the Civil War had begun. The South seceded from the Union because of opposition towards slavery, the fear that abolition of slavery was a threat to their way of life, and that Lincoln would get rid of it. Many Northerners were coming to be against slavery. The feeling of opposition towards it grew due to the publishment of books such as Uncle Tom's Cabin. This book explained the wrong of slavery and how cruel and evil it was. Southerners became offended and responded that everything was false. Some northerners even became abolitionists to help slaves escape. "Abolitionists wanted to end slavery and some helped slaves escape to the North and Canada" (Doc. 4). Southerners became angry at this action. Their belief was that escaped slaves were …show more content…

The South's economy greatly depended on slavery. Document 2 shows a graph that says the South barely had factories. Their economy concentration was on agriculture. The South had a warmer climate and fertile soil. These were factors that were perfect for growing tobacco. Slaves from Africa provided for the hard labor. The South began to grow other crops on plantations, which had the use of slaves. "The South thus quickly established a rural way of life supported by an agricultural economy based on slave labor" (Doc 3). The South felt if they stayed and there was a removal of slavery, it could damage their economy. Instead of risking this damage, the South had another reason for

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