
Classical Conditioning Female Response

Decent Essays

This research is comprised of 32 sexually active females for the experiment on classical conditioning for sexual response. This research is about observing conditioned genital responses in females using diverse conditioning measures and genital vibrostimulation and unconditional stimulus (US). Neutral pictures were used as conditional stimuli (CS) and the genital vibrostimulation as the unconditional stimuli (US). Instruments used included pictures, genital vibrator, and a computer program for time supervision. The CS+ produced more VPA results than the CS-. In addition, the genital and individual sexual responses were successfully modulated by the differential conditioning pattern. Learning is defined as a relatively permanent behavior that …show more content…

It is any stimulus that creates an autonomic and reflexive response in an organism. Unconditional stimulus is a stimulus that produces a response without trying too hard or training for it. Unconditional response is that which is produced through the unconditional stimulus. Conditioned stimulus results from being paired with the unconditional stimulus. Conditional response is the result of what happens when conditional stimulus is being paired with unconditional stimulus repeatedly. It can be anything that can be perceived i.e. heard, smelled, felt, seen, taste, etc. Unconditioned response is any unlearned response that can be elicited from an organism. Examples are heart rate increasing, tears, fear, vomiting, nausea, etc.Anything that can be an unconditioned response can be a conditioned response. Condition response is as a result of being trained or a conditioned that is learned (Domjan, …show more content…

The neutral pictures A and B that served as the CS+ and CS-. They both portrayed a black and white cartoon-like drawing portrait of a male person. Race description of the individual is not known. Both pictures had different details like the facial looks and the attire worn. The backgrounds of the pictures were of the same dimension and size and were both rated as neutral (Both, Spiering, Nilsson, Oomens, & Everaerd, 2008). A computer program was used in time monitoring of the supervision of pictures. The next apparatus was the photo plethysmograph, a menstrual tampon-sized device enclosed with an orange-red light source and a photocell which is used visualizing the activities of the vagina

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