
Classical Western History

Decent Essays

The Foundation of the United States
Throughout Classical Western history, certain civilizations have prospered more than others. The strongest civilizations adopt the best practices of past cultures while also developing innovative practices. America’s civilization is an excellent example. It has taken the best practices of many past civilizations, such as those of Greece and Rome, to become what many would say is the greatest civilization in history. In fact, while Greece has contributed to the modern makeup of the United States, Rome’s civilization was more influential due to its democratic principles, emphasis on trade in order to expand the empire, and development of common experiences to unite society.
Democracy began with the Greeks, …show more content…

The Greek civilization granted their citizens the chance to have a say in public affairs. However, they only allowed the most important citizens to make main political decisions. This resembles the modern US government because citizens elect representatives, such as senators, congressman, or the President, to make certain important decisions for the population. Even though Greece had some influence on modern government, Rome had a more significant impact on America because it improved on what the Greeks had already created. First, the Romans established laws that made it clear how their empire was going to be run. The Roman Empire actually formalized a written constitution which divided power in society (1). Unlike the Greeks, Romans summarized their laws on a formal written document to establish the levels of power in the empire. Similarly, Americans documented their government, laws and basic rights in the written US Constitution which also outlined various branches of government. In addition, the Romans proposed a system of voting to further their development of democracy. In fact, the Roman coin contains an image of a person placing a ballot into …show more content…

Greece established a platform for the beginning of democracy. The Romans used these ideas and expanded upon them to form a government with written laws, division of power and the ability to vote which are all key elements in the US modern government. Also, Greece founded trade routes that allowed their empire to thrive, but Rome again improved the method of trade by creating currency as well as a system of roads which allowed their empire to expand. The complex trade and transportation system of the US is a further developed version of this Roman system. Finally, Greeks united their culture through sporting competitions and the Romans further developed their common culture by popularizing sporting arenas and spreading religion which are also significant aspects of US culture. Global success today continues to occur when countries emulate the best of what the world shows

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