
Climate Change

Decent Essays

Summary of what the article is about We've been told repeatedly throughout the years that our earth's climate continues to change. However, it is rare that during these conversations the possibility of there being an unceasing increase in the temperatures in our oceans due to climate change brought up specifically. There being a potential rise in temperature and the ramifications that such a thing would bring are what this particular article is written about. Even though the study itself took years to conduct, its' initial hypothesis of the various scientists involved was somewhat of a simple one, it was that "[c]limate change will dramatically alter life in the oceans" (Zimmer, 2017). This seems like a pretty safe assumption …show more content…

According to the article they don’t really know why it is that certain ocean dwellers thrived when there was an increase in heat. However, we do know that the continuing rise in temperature presents an important threat in years to come and may end up being the reason behind why some of the ocean’s inhabitants end up going extinct in the future because not all of the sea life can live in such conditions. Reflection I really enjoyed this article thought it presented some interesting findings along with a lot of solid evidence to support their claims. Don’t really see any reasons as to why I would disagree with what the scientists’ found, personally thought the entire article pretty agreeable. It is worrisome that certain ocean life essentially have expiration dates when it comes how much longer their species will be able to live and or thrive. Interspecific competition and overpopulation were both touched on in this article and were the primary negative consequences of there being a spike in temperature in the ocean. The one thing that I didn’t really like about the article was that it didn’t propose any possible solutions; it presented us with an imminent threat that was presented in a manner that indicated that it would pretty much be an inevitably. Although, there hasn’t been any preventions discovered as of yet, these types of experiments and studies continue to broaden the understanding of ocean life which is still beneficial and may eventually

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