
Climate Change In Canada

Decent Essays

Canadian citizens are witnessing the devastating effects of climate change on our world. These major impacts are a result of human behavior and will get worse without any actions taken. Most of how Canadian’s produce greenhouse gas emissions is through Home energy, food/shopping, and cars/transport as this strategy of living can cause polar ice caps to melt in the northern and southern hemisphere causing habitat loss, sea levels rising/decreasing, temperature change, and El Niño. This global warming issue has taken a huge effect in Canada as finding alternative ways to reduce consumption of transportation, clothing, food, and shopping is required. To begin, many Canadian households in today’s society lack the focus to conserve energy with …show more content…

To begin, buying locally produced food in Canada often decreases the amount of fuel burned as the average fresh food item on our dinner travels 2414 kilometers to get there. According to some estimates, farmers who practice conservation tillage could save 12-14% of carbon dioxide emitted by transportation systems and industries(Why Buy Local). In this case, purchasing food grown in Canada can have a dramatic environmental impact to decreasing greenhouse gases because of preventing the heavy use of heavily consumed gasoline transportation systems such as planes, and trucks to send food items to grocery stores. Purchasing clothing imported from overseas countries could also bring a high rising environmental impact towards greenhouse gas emissions as both scenarios could contribute to the environmental impact. Next, considering having groceries and clothing items delivered to individual households as delivery trucks going from a warehouse to individual households produce 20-75% less carbon dioxide than a regular shopper’s car driving to a grocery store or mall, according to some scientists at the University of Washington(N.Shute). As a result, a truck is able to carry multiple consumers’ items such as grocery and food items, replacing tons of cars on the road to go for grocery or shopping individually, and decreasing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions per vehicle. To conclude, purchasing locally produced items, and groceries could create a large impact on how Canadians save and decrease the amount of greenhouse gases by sticking to Canadian branded products and ordering items online to also decrease the number of vehicles on the

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