
Climate Change No Hiding Place Analysis

Decent Essays

Climate change, global warming, greenhouse effect—even if you only watch the news periodically, these are phrases that you have most likely become aware of. In short, climate change is the change global and regional patterns regarding climate; this is due to possible changes in the Earth’s axis, human activity modifying the composition of the atmosphere, or geographical activity such as volcanic eruptions [1]. Many have speculated and argued whether climate change actually exists. Regardless of your opinion, a staggering amount of scientists have accepted climate change as a reality. In fact, the much-admired astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson claims that individuals denying scientific facts is the “beginning of the end of an informed democracy” [2]. The article Climate Change: No Hiding Place supports Neil deGrasse Tyson’s notion stating “those who doubt that greenhouse gases are quite the problem they have been cracked up to be by most of the world's climatologists” [3]. While it may be difficult to see climate change presently, there are many indicators of its existence with the higher temperatures and acidity levels in the ocean, the melting of Arctic ice caps, …show more content…

My opposition would argue that fluctuations in warmth and acidity are normal and climate change is irrelevant. Though fluctuations are normal, “researchers have found that its middle depths have warmed 15 times faster in the last 60 years than they did during apparent natural warming cycles in the previous”[5]; this is warmth does not show up on meteorologists' thermometers since it is so deep in the ocean [3]. The acidity level is also noticeably higher. Since the start of fossil use levels in the oceans have been 25-30% higher [6]. These factors also contribute to the rise of sea

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