
Clinical Decision Support System Analysis

Decent Essays

A computer program that several doctors and hospitals are now using to manage patient care is a clinical decision support system (CDSS). These programs theoretically will compile the patient’s medical history, access the long term treatments, and help in the diagnosis process with the information accumulated from multiple areas within the program. The four main functions of the program are administrative, managing clinical complexity and details, cost control and decision support. The systems have been created for time management, to retain more precise records and to assist in the diagnosis process for physicians. This allows for consistent and standardized care. Multiple inquiries and apprehensions arise with the use of a CDSS program. The computer program can only amass the information that is entered into the system. It is imperative that the managing, monitoring and updating of …show more content…

There is concern for the doctor/patient relationship, in addition to, how well the system diagnosis’s serious illnesses. Continuous and monitored training is also a necessity. What and who is making those decisions? If a physician assistant sees a patient and the program gives a diagnosis, is the patient truly getting the proper care, what about the accuracy of the invoice? Will this allow a less qualified individual to make decisions in regard to the patients’ health care that may not be within the scope of the job? Will there become a point that doctors rely too much on the CDSS? In my opinion, the greatest fear would be a data breach with the amount of personal and medical health information collected at businesses using a CDSS program. The most advanced and stringent security measures would be imperative. Although having interoperability among the numerous different CDSS programs could be beneficial, it also opens the door for increased

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