
Coca Cola Marketing Strategy

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Coca-Cola, with more than thirty-five hundred products, is a leading company in the beverage industry. The start of the company can be traced back 125 years ago. As of now, the company has business in more than two hundred countries with around 139,600 employees. Per Gary Armstrong and Philip Kotler, the marketing mix of an organization consists of a blend of advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, sales promotions and public relations. A company can take tactical measures to communicate customer values and develop customer relationships. The same is pretty much applicable for Coca-Cola. Its marketing communication is a blend of various advertising and sales channels.
The marketing strategy or mode that we will focus on is direct marketing. The company uses direct marketing in several ways. The company partners with various movie theatres and restaurants to advertise and sell its products. This direct marketing campaign has been successful for a long time, and even today it continues to make a difference. By partnering with movie theatres and restaurants, the Company can avoid competition because customers visiting such places will only enjoy Coca-Cola products when a soft drink is needed. Clients are made to be interested when they see slogans like-we go together-meaning a particular dish is served together with Coca-Cola drink for best results. Coca-Cola has also started mobile advertising. It uses mobile graphics and texts to appeal the market. The Company has a

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