
College Athletes Overpaid Essay

Decent Essays

Professional Business According to NCAA, “There are more than 460,000 NCAA student-athletes, and fewer than two percent will go pro in their sports.” [, “Probability of competing beyond high school,” (Sept. 2013)] This means that only nine thousand two hundred college student athletes make it to the pros after their college career is done. Honestly, that is a very small amount, considering college athletes do not get paid at all to play. Additionally, people assume most college athletes will someday make it to the pros, but that is not the case. Nowadays, outstanding talent is hard to come by. College athletes who did make it to the pros, definitely earned it. Once an athlete makes it to the professional leagues of sports, he/she …show more content…

People use the term professional athlete very loosely. When making an argument that professional athletes are overpaid, people must keep in mind that this includes all types of athletes. Not every professional athlete makes money like Kobe Bryant and Floyd Mayweather. Some professional athletes are hardworking individuals like any athlete, and they hardly make a living for being so talented. At least, compared to other highly talented pro athletes. It is unreasonable for some athletes to sign a contract for over thirty million dollars. However, society must think about how much income that player, in particular, generates for their team. That specific athlete, whom everyone is familiar with, will bring fans to watch the games and witness that professional perform. Additionally, there is a likely chance that those people will convince others to spend money on those player’s merchandise. In the end, professional athletes being overpaid will always be debated amongst society. All I ask, in particular, is that people visualize the broader perspective, and that not all professional athletes are millionaires. There are still many professional athletes who work at the same constant pace as any other athlete, yet still struggle to pay the

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