
Columbus - Hero or Condemned? Essay example

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A great hero from Europe or a man with only himself and his people in mind? Many people believe that he was a hero whose discoveries lead to the possibilities we have in America today, while many other condemn him for the deaths of many Native Americans that occurred to make it possible to live in America today. What would someone like me see in Columbus’ discoveries and enslavements? He introduced the Europeans to new products and ways of financial expansion. Even though Columbus gave us a head start to a better life here in America, what lengths did he go to make such a life possible? He brought over diseases to the natives and also grazing animals to eat up the vegetation. These deaths would have never occurred if not for the countries …show more content…

The discovery of the Americas also allowed new trading options and financial expansion which benefited all of Europe.

What great length would one man go to for himself and his people? Although Columbus’ discoveries offered more trade and financial gain for Europe and himself, the consequences were more deadly than the gain could ever be fruitful for the natives. With the grazing animals that the Europeans brought over to the natives, also came a drop in vegetation which decreased their food supply. With the exchange of goods between the Europeans and the natives there was also an exchange of diseases. With the diseases such as smallpox, mumps, measles, and whooping cough, also came another called death. With these diseases spreading through the native villages, fifty to ninety percent of the native population died. With the decrease in native population also can a decrease in their resistance and ability to fight off the Europeans. Columbus began to think of the natives as future slave laborers. Many unsuccessful attempts were made to enslave the natives but each failed and Columbus gave up and started looking toward the West Africans. They began kidnapping Africans and bringing them over by ship to the Americas. Many died during the voyages and the ones that survived became slaves and worked in the Americas.

What could the prospect of becoming rich do to a person not to mention a country? The countries that funded the explorers are just at fault

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