
Coming Of Age

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Coming of age is a notion of words that is incorporated into a numerous amount of cultures and religions. In my opinion though I’d like to think that it is a big change in your life, that lets you mature positively. In cultures and religions around the world, coming of age can mean a whole lot of things. In most cultures people use coming of age as a refrence to say that a child has become an adult. In the religion of Islam girls that are nine to twelve years old (depends on the age they start puberty) start to be considered as an adult and same for the boys, but ages twelve to fifteen years old. This is also incorporated into many of other religions and cultures even in society today. Another example of this is in the novel Persepolis, on …show more content…

Andrews, Eli felt a very certain way about the school, he hated it. A lot, if not all of the social/ friend groups were already formed and he could not find one that he really fit into. This really took a hit on his social life. He had a lot of good friends at his old school that he just started to become out of touch with after the switch. In the interview I had with Eli a really interesting statement that he said was, “Instead of fitting into St. Andrews I molded into it.” This quote has a lot of meaning to it. He was basically thrown into the school, not fitting in, but was molded into it. With all of the hardships at the beginning of his first year at the school, he said, “It was all worth it in the long run.” He learned if he just started being like himself his social life would go back to normal, which he said it did. The most positive part of him switching schools although was his motivation to get better grades. In our interview he stated, “My public school was just so easy, that I could just mess around the whole time and get good grades, but I learned though that you really have to put in the work for your grades at St. Andrews.” At the end of our interview I asked Eli; “If you could go back and switch back to Austin High instead of St. Andrews would you do it and why?” He responded with; “This switch from public to private school really depend on the person if they want to give up their old friends for new, or be more motivated in their academics that will help them in the long run. This switch was the right thing for me and I would not change it ever if I had the chance

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