
Compare And Contrast Christian And Native American Religion

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Everyone on earth has something they believe in. Maybe it’s a god or maybe even science. No one knows exactly why we are here, but if we put our faith into something then that’s what we will believe. We all believe in different ways that we came to be on the earth and how our world was created. The Christian way and the Native American way are similar yet different, both good examples of what different people believe. , but there also some reasons why they are so different. In the Christian version, there is nothing but darkness in the beginning. In the Native American version, there is a world like no other. In both versions, there’s one person who creates the whole world themselves. The Christian version says that God created Earth and everything …show more content…

In the Native American version, the woman came and made everything herself. In the Native American version of Earth, there were no rules for what to do and what not to do. In the Christian version, they could do anything available except eat the fruit on the tree. Since Eve ate the fruit she told told Adam to eat the fruit and so he did too. Because of this, God banished both of them from the garden of Eden. In the Native American version, everything is made from something else. The daughter who died was made into plants. The animals that died trying to get soil for the woman were to always be remembered by her. The turtle risked its life for the woman so she said she would look after all of its descendants. Since the mother died, she became the moon. The moon guides the little turtles to the land so they can survive. No punishments were given to anyone in the Native American story. People were punished in the Christian version because there was another person who created everything and watched over his creations. Adam and Eve were punished for eating fruit. They were also banished from the garden of Eden for life. If someone died in the Christian version, nothing would happen to that person. Cain killed Abel and was punished. No one who found him could no longer kill

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