
Compare And Contrast The Fall Of The House Of Usher And The Masque Of Red Death

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During his life, Edgar Allan Poe wrote many classic poems and short stories. Two of his most famous works are “The Fall of the House of Usher” and “The Masque of the Red Death.” In “The Fall of the House of Usher,” a man goes to visit his childhood friend and while there witnesses the fall of the Usher family line. “The Masque of the Red Death,” on the other hand, is about Prince Prospero’s attempts to keep death from his abbey and what ensues when death enters. Throughout both short stories, “The Masque of the Red Death” and “The Fall of The House of Usher,” Poe enforces his theme of the fear of death, by carefully crafting the setting, characterization, mood, and point of view of each piece. When writing “The Fall of the House of Usher,” Poe used the setting outside of the mansion to illustrate the theme of the fear of death. From the outset, the Rodrick Usher’s home is portrayed in a way that gives the reader a feeling of alarm. For example, the narrator mentions the house gives him a feeling of “insufferable gloom” (Usher 1). By pointing this out, the reader begins to feel on edge as the connotation of “gloom” is unwelcoming and distressing. The home is also said to have “vacant eye like windows” (Usher 1) which make the narrator …show more content…

In “The Fall of the House of Usher,” Rodrick Usher’s twin sister Madeline, is a major, yet flat character. While there is no recorded dialog with Madeline, there is still a vivid description of her outward presentation which characterizes her as an ill, pale, woman, who is “wasting away” (Usher 5). However, Madeline is more than Rodrick’s diseased sister and her imminent death makes Rodrick nervous. Rodrick does not want loose his “soul companion” and find himself the “last of the ancient race of Ushers” (Usher 5). This applies to the theme of the fear of death, as Madeline’s impending fate makes Rodrick increasingly afraid as both the story and Madeline’s disease

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