
Compare And Contrast White House Vs Parthenon

Decent Essays

White house vs the Parthenon
People can learn a lot of things from the past. As time go though the past gives us a lesson to learn. History is one of the important element that taught and inspire people to do great thing compare to the past. History taught us beliefs, values, and different traditions of a culture, even architecture had an influence by the past project. From the very beginning of architecture, people started to build a little tent using branch and stone. After that people start to build column to support the building. One of the examples that has shown the architecture had learn from the past is the acropolis of Athens and the white house at Washington D.C. During the fifth century bc, Athens had war with Persians, the result of this war had make establishment of democracy to Geek. Acropolis of Athens is an important …show more content…

Is a principal workplace of the president of united state. It is located at capital of united state. This building has the habitation of every president of u.s. Since john Adams in 1800. The designer of this house is James Hoban, and is build on 1792 through 1800 with white painted aquia creek sandstone. Because of the war and different president of united state, this build had been rework and expanded a fill times. At now day the white house has includes the executive residence, west wing, east wing, the Eisenhower executive office building, and a Blair house.
I believed that the white house had a lot of influences from the Parthenon. First of all we can see that the white house is build a bit similar to Parthenon. they both are white and have the similar columns. But the the Parthenon is build more complexly because it is specifically build for a temple and it is the time when the Doric order began. White house was also used the Doric order to build the columns but more into a house. The two architecture have the same idea to build these two building such as columns and the stone they

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