
Comparing Buddhism, Hinduism And Jainism, Buddhism And Buddhism

Decent Essays

In our present day, there are roughly 4,200 religions being practiced all over the world. Some are more popular and well-known than others, with a few of the main world religions being Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. With each religion, one can be slightly similar to one and completely opposite in beliefs to another; this is seen in the idea of the afterlife, in which Buddhism focuses on the idea of rebirth and awakening, whereas Hinduism and Jainism both believe in the idea of reincarnation until liberation. Buddhism is seen as a way of life rather than a form of religion that needs to be closely followed and constantly practiced. The idea of “enlightenment” carries through one’s entire lifetime in an attempt to reach nirvana, which is an end to all suffering. A person’s lifetime is spent being faithful and relying on karma to eventually achieve nirvana and enlightenment, in which people embark on the path of awakening. The awakening is a very crucial aspect of the Buddhist religion, as it was Buddha’s own personal awakening and understanding of how the world works, in which he passed it on to be believed and understood by others. It’s closely related to other religions in the way that rebirth and reincarnation are the beliefs surrounding the idea of the afterlife, however Buddhism in particular is an anatta tradition, or ‘not-self,’ which often sets it apart from other religions.This complex ideal entails that one’s external self, consciousness, feelings

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