
Comparing Luhrmann's Romeo And Juliet

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Another reason I believe Luhrmann's interpretation was better is how he portrayed the nurse. The nurse in the play is a very comical and important character. Her strong bond with Juliet is shown in Luhrmann’s movie but in Zeffirelli's movie the bond seems weaker. Luhrmann I believe does a better job showing that the nurse cares for Juliet. However Luhrmann does cut out nurses more lengthy speech, but I believe it's for the best as the speech in my opinion was more confusing than helpful. The nurse in Zeffirelli's movie cares for Juliet but it didn't seem as sincere, they didn't have the same friendship shown in Luhrmann's. The nurse in the more modern movie I believe showed the relationship better while still keeping the comedy needed. I think …show more content…

I loved Luhrmann's interpretation of Romeo and Juliets death. This death scene has me on the brink of tears while Zeffirelli’s had me on the brink of laughter. The laughter I part is due the the acting of young Juliet as she cries and kills herself. This Juliet was lacking the sorrow and it truly didn't look like she stabbed herself. Whereas Luhrmann's Juliet not only acted better but her death was more convincing. I also love how he had Juliet wake up in time to see Romeo and he see her before his death. This way it was not only Juliet who knew a mistake had been made but Romeo shared the grief with her before he passed. These few seconds of knowledge in the movie made the deaths of young Romeo and Juliet even sadder. This interpretation truly made Luhrmann's movie the best. In conclusion after watching two very different yet similar interpretations of Romeo and Juliet. I feel that Luhrmann does a better job capturing the tragedy that is Romeo and Juliet . Through the fast pacing in the movie and how he betrayed some of the characters his version truly captures this classic tail with a modern twist. His interpretation makes the deaths of our star crossed lovers even sadder. So that is why I believe Luhrmann did a better job capturing the tragedy of one Juliet and her

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