
Compassion Fatigue In Social Work

Decent Essays

In many careers especially the field of social work it is easy to feel burnout and compassion fatigue. Burnout and compassion fatigue can be a slippery road for social workers to go down. It is the feeling of mental and emotional exhaustion, frustration, feeling like work has no meaning, and loss of enthusiasm ("Compassion Fatigue | The American Institute of Stress," n.d.). We do not go into the field of social work to absorb everyone’s problems and become engulfed in them, we do it for the satisfaction of being able to help others and to try and make a difference. For this reason it is important that we remember take time for ourselves and become self-aware to prevent burnout and compassion fatigue. If we no longer care about the work that we do and dread going to work each day, it will show and client’s may start to feel that there is no hope. The good thing is that there are warning signs and ways to …show more content…

It is a slow process that occurs overtime. There are ways that a social worker can notice if they are experiencing burnout or compassion fatigue. These include feeling tired, hopeless, frustrated, and like work is no more meaningful ("Compassion Fatigue | The American Institute of Stress," n.d.). Other ways to tell that you are starting to feel the effects of burnout and compassion fatigue are the constant feeling of aches and pain (back, neck, head), having a hard time getting motivated to go to work in the mornings, and loosing compassion for others ("Compassion Fatigue | The American Institute of Stress," n.d.). It is important to be able to recognize these warning signs as soon as possible in order turn things around before they get any worse or cause physical and emotional health issues on the social worker. Emotional and physical effects of burnout and compassion fatigue on a worker include hypertension, aggression, and obesity (Jackson, 2014, p.

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