
Concept Of Death in ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night versus ‘Because I Could Not Stop For Death

Decent Essays

Who does not cower in fear upon the thought of death? Almost everybody does! However, people have differing views on the abstract idea of dying. In examining the poem "Because I Could Not Stop For Death? by Emily Dickinson and "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night? by Dylan Thomas, it is evident that the poets use contrasting and comparative techniques in their unique presentations of the concept of death. In the poem "Because I Could Not Stop For Death? Emily Dickinson presents the idea of acceptance of death, whereas in the poem "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night? Dylan Thomas presents the idea of refusal and opposition to death. Despite the differences in theme, these two poets both use similar figurative language devices, such as …show more content…

Although both poems are written using iambs, a contrasting difference is evident between them; "Because I Could Not Stop For Death?is written using an alternating trimetric and tetrametric system while "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night?is written in a consistent pentameter form (five feet in each meter). Thomas structures his poem using a simple and tight formal structure to convey a sense of commanding to his father in overcoming death. The differences and similarities in the style and meter structure utilized by each poet, contributes to the presentation of their own unique ideas regarding death. Both of the poems explore the concept of death. However, through careful examination, although they are similar in a sense, one can distinguish the variation of the same theme. Theme is considered the most important element in a poem. In the poem "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night? the theme undoubtedly revolves around death but approaches towards the refusal of death, encouraging readers to "rage? against the absurdity of death. Conversely, the theme of the poem "Because I Could Not Stop For Death?pertains to accepting death peacefully. In the poem "Because I Could Not Stop For Death? the speaker of the poem accepts death calmly as "He kindly stopped [es] for me [the

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