
Concert Review Essay

Decent Essays

I would first like to start this concert review off stating that I do not know really anything about how to play and write music, and all the aspects of getting the melody and harmony right in the music. What might be simple and have a good steadiness throughout the music to me might be elabrate and unsteady to the performer. When I listen to music, I do listen to the music itself but I am more likely to relate to the lyrics so that is my main focus. So for this review, my insight on how the music is may not be that accurate. This concert review is about Bill Miller concert. I thought he was a great musician with a pretty good voice. He is very down to Earth not only just talking but through his lyrics. Within the lyrics, I could hear his Native American ancestry come alive. He played some Native American songs on what I call a Native American flute and something similar to a claranet. Then he did some original songs with the acustic guitar and a cover song which I will be reviewing. He first play an original song called Chasing …show more content…

The songs tempos was medium fast with the dynamics of loud and very loud. I feel this songs was not as steady as Chasing Birds on perpose to show more of the emotion he felt as he was wrighting the lyrics and music for this song. The songs is homophonic and from modern times with to what I think is simple harmony and melody. His musicianship for this song was very strong do to the emotion behind it. As he played you can see and hear his heart behind it. He played as some poeple would say "as if he was rocking it" which his was. He also sang lounder then he did with the other song which projects more emotion and heart behind it. My personal opinion on this song it that it is beautiful on how he puts his greving from the loss of his son and his heratage into it. The combination of the two makes it my second favorite song he performed that

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