
Concert Review Of 'Planet Of The Apes'

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After a brief intermission, the orchestra played Planet of the Apes. This started off with an immediate ominous timbre set by the double bass playing an ostinato consisting of eighth notes with quarter note rests. The timpani then played a rhythm consisting of quarter notes and eighth notes. A few bars later, the horns play a melodic line consisting of whole notes in small intervals. This idea is built upon for some time until the rhythm of the underlying ostinato is changed to consist of notes with a much faster duration, and other brass instruments join in to play a separate melody overtop. Upper woodwinds add ornamentation with trills in a descending scale pattern while the brass play an augmented version of the previous melody. This idea continues to develop until a change in the …show more content…

This started with a theremin playing notes of a long duration and large intervals. Underneath this, double bass and cello played crescendoing eighth note-sixteenth note ostinatos that pushed the phrase forward. As more instruments joined in, the dynamic gradually increased, and tension was being created. Later, the theremin melody made an entry once more. The choir then started singing “ahs” overtop starting with short duration notes that served as accents, then shifting to a more connected melody, then shifting once more to shorter duration notes with major seventh intervals. The intensity of the piece builds up later through the addition of more instruments. Each instrument plays a counter melody which fits well with other sections. The strict rhythm in each melody allows it to also sound like a machine, similar to what was happening in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The instrumentation for this piece was also perfect, as the theremin has a very unique sound that fits with the science fiction genre, and therefor the movie. Despite the length of the piece being short compared to the rest of the program, it was still very

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