
Contribute to Raising Awareness of Health Issues

Decent Essays

1.1 Analyse reasons why it may be necessary to raise awareness of health issues.
To protect the health, safety and wellbeing of everyone I care for. By ensuring that I identify health issues early I am able to inform the relevant people quickly and that will hopefully prevent the health issues getting worse, meaning that their health, safety, wellbeing and quality of life is improved and maintained as much as possible. It is also important to raise awareness to comply with company policies and legislation.

1.2 Compare the roles of agencies and others who may be involved in raising awareness of health issues.
There are lots of agencies involved, doctors, nurses, district nurses, social services and any other agency, carer or …show more content…

2.3 Review with others the demand for and interest in raising awareness of a particular health issue.
At regular resident meeting we discuss a range of topics and the residents say what they want in the way of activates, dinner and other things. During this discussion we may talk about health issues and possible ways of dealing with them. Also I have general talks with management and colleagues and we discuss our feeling regarding raising awareness or if we may need extra training in certain areas.

3.1 Contribute to agreeing roles and responsibilities within a team planning awareness-raising activities/3.2 Work with the team to plan a set of activities to raise awareness about a health issue.
When carrying out a awareness raising activities me and my colleagues would discuss what points we need to cover and each would carry out major research, when we are doing the activity one person would be the main talker and others would assist and interrupt where necessary. When anyone identifies a health issue it is their responsibility to report it and document it where necessary. When an activity has taken part everyone whom has been involved in that activity would document it in the individuals care plan always ensuring that they do so in neat writing, signing and dating everything and completing with facts only.


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