
Corporal Punishment Is Wrong

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Is corporal punishment wrong or is it a vital tool for disciplining our children which without our society will ultimately continue to degrade its self and cause our fore fathers to roll over in their graves? Corporal punishment with in reason is not abuse and should be considered a vital tool that is not out dated and should be used widely and constantly through out the previous and upcoming generations of man kind. Today with the mostly discontinued use of corporal punishment and generic discipline our children are becoming less disciplined, more disrespectful, and growing in their “boldness.” Before I begin let me explain what corporal punishment is and the controversy that has in sued in recent moths over it. Corporal punishment is the use of spanking, whipping that is not abusive. Recently though people have been harboring a more hostile view of corporal punishment regarding it as solely abuse at the slightest mention of spanking a child. …show more content…

He shouts across the room, yells at the teacher, and glues his face to his cell phone and disregards the teacher when she tells him to put it away. This is disruptive to those who are disciplined and want to learn and could be solved by allowing schools to give licks to the students who disrupt the learning

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