
Corporate Social Responsibility Of Nestle

Decent Essays

1.0 Nestle Company
Nestle is one of the largest food and beverage company in the world. Nearly every of the world have the manufacturing facility of Nestle. Nestle can referred to the most multinational of the multinationals. Nestlé markets approximately 7,500 brands and in can organize into the few categories such as baby food, medical food, bottled water, breakfast cereals, coffee and tea, confectionery, dairy products, ice cream, frozen food, pet foods, and snacks. (Nestlé S.A., n.d.)
Nestle is one of the huge multinational company, their business practices manage by integrity, honesty, fair dealing and full compliance with all applicable laws. Nestle has their own code of conduct, all employees need to committee it every day. This Code …show more content…

The term generally applies to efforts that go beyond what may be required by regulators or environmental protection groups. Normally the CSR don’t provide an immediate financial benefit to the company but instead promote positive social and environmental change (Corporate Social Responsibility, n.d.). Nestle is one of the company that leading nutrition, health and wellness. So, Nestle always participated in the CSR activities to enhance the quality of the life and try to create the maximum value for the communities. Nestlé’s CRS activities focus on three main area, there are nutrition, rural development, water and sanitation. Recently, mostly the people always ignore the issue of the nutrition and cease the problem of malnutrition. So, when the Nestle is launching the activities that relate to nutrition, it will increase the awareness of communities. The health problem of communities also will be reduce. Besides that, the rural development activities that carry out by Nestle bring a great benefit to their company and society. Rural development will help Nestle to exploitation and utilization the resource environment. At the same time, supporting to the exploitation sustainable resource will decrease the problem insufficient resource of environment. Lastly is the water and sanitation part. The Nestle Company in Indian is among the world’s most water stressed regions. Therefore, Nestle launched the program that focus on helping famers to reduce water usage in agriculture and increase the awareness on water conservation. Moreover, the program like water awareness for students also hold by Nestles. Through all the CRS activities that launched by Nestle, it bring the huge benefits to

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