
Creating a Philosophy of Life Essay

Decent Essays

In his recent research, Pierre Hadot calls our attention to the original vocation of the philosopher: not as scholar but as sage. Hadot attempts to recapture the early understanding of the study of philosophy as an entry into a mode de vie, a way of life richly satisfying and personally rewarding. The challenge for us today, he claims, is to rediscover the unity between two different visions of philosophy: philosophy as scientific discourse and philosophy as way of spiritual enlightenment. As scientific discourse, philosophy cannot exist as a reality in and for itself. It is only the expression of the experience and reflection of the philosopher. As a way of spiritual enlightenment, philosophy is closely linked to the discourse within …show more content…

Clearly, our students today are narcissistic, but they also demonstrate an eagerness to engage in philosophy as a "spiritual exercise." Over the past eight years I have tried to develop an introductory course which capitalizes on the current student profile and which re-presents philosophy to the students in its original vocation: as guide from the world of confusion and deception to the world of truth. The writing assignment is the centerpiece for the course and all reading and discussion are designed to create an intellectual atmosphere within which the students can consider, develop and defend their own philosophy of life. The argument for their philosophy of life is developed over the entire semester. Students submit the argument in two stages, as described below.

The first stage is written during the first half of the semester, where we read Plato'’s Gorgias, Apology and Phaedo. In these works, we discuss the important question of "What is the best life for a person to live" (Gorgias), the nature of a life which is examined (Apology) and the qualities of a good argument in defense of one's position (Phaedo).

Consistently, I work to make the connection between the discourse proper to philosophy and the intimate link to personal aspirations. The second stage of the paper brings out the practical aspects of their philosophy. Here we discuss the philosophy of Stoicism (Seneca) and the Christian perspective (Augustine). Finally, we

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