
Criminological Theory of Anomie and Social Control Shown in the Movie 'Falling Down"

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The movie “Falling Down”, released in 1993, depicts an unemployed defense worker who becomes frustrated with society and unleashes that frustration on the Los Angeles community. The movie follows William through is destruction as well as the impact his actions has on other characters in the movie. It becomes apparent that the events and characters in the movie are ideal illustrations of the criminological theories anomie and social control. Anomie is characterized as a feeling of normlessness. This results from a breakdown of social norms and without these norms to guide an individual they are unable to find a place in society or adjust to the constant changes in life. The consequence becomes the individual feeling a sense of …show more content…

William conforms again at the grocery store when he goes in asking for change. Instead of giving William change for his dollar he makes him buy an item from the store. William attempts to purchase a soda however the owner charges him 85 cents leaving him short of the 50 cents he needs for the pay phone. Once again William conforms acknowledging the goal of getting the 50 cents for the phone call and accepts the means when the owner forces him to buy an item from the store. Detective Prendergast is possibly the ultimate example of conformity in the movie. His goal is just really to be the “good guy” in his marriage and at his job. As a result he is giving up his job, for his wife, so they can move to Arizona and when people at work are treating him like garbage he never engages in confrontation. Even when he thinks he knows who is behind the crime spree in the city he attempts to inform the correct people because he works robbery cases which is a different division. Detective Prendergast is a conformist through most of the movie constantly doing the right thing and following the rules. Beth, William’s ex-wife, also follows conformity. After the two were divorced Adele received a restraining order against her husband in fear that he would hurt her. The premise of “Falling Down” is based on the fact that William is walking through Los Angeles trying to see his wife and daughter.

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