
Crucible Witch Hunts

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Alex Naton Mrs. Smolik Research Paper 13 December 2017 The Witch Hunts of Professional Athletes Witch hunts have been occurring every day throughout history. The term witch hunt refers to the time during 1692 and 1693 in which Puritans were accusing each other of witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts (Miller 133). Witchcraft was illegal during the time and usually resulted in death. The people during this time abused this to gain land, power, money, and revenge, and the result was twenty deaths, which can be seen in the novel The Crucible. The term “witch hunt” is now used when referring to the same type of abuse, but usually not as severe. An example of this abuse is modern, professional athletes. In today’s society athletes are very famous, and can easily be the target of these witch hunts due to jealous or angry fans. Witch hunts motivated by greed, jealousy, ignorance, and power have occurred throughout history as seen in The Crucible by Arthur Miller and have occured and are still occurring today in a high profile group of individuals, professional athletes. Throughout The Crucible, greed is a common motive for the witch hunts. Thomas Putnam exhibits this greediness as he wishes that George Jacobs would die, so he can acquire more land (Miller 150). Thomas Putnam even went to the lengths of making his daughter accuse George Jacobs of being a witch. By making this accusation, Jacobs would be killed and forced to give up his land. In today’s society, this still happens.

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