
Csr Green Washing

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Title Page Content Page 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 Executive Summary Introduction Background Literature Review Methodology and Research Justification Data Analysis/Interpretation Conclusion Research Limitations Recommendations and Further Research References Appendices: − 11.1 Appendix One – Questionnaire − 11.2 Appendix Two – Interview Sheet

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Michael Bowyer

Page 2 of 32


1.0 - Executive Summary
How important is the use of Corporate Social Responsibility programs on brand image? In recent years CSR programs have become a marketer’s tool rather than the way a business should operate, with ethical trading in mind. These …show more content…

Michael Bowyer

Page 4 of 32


3.0 - Background
CSR has become a large part of a businesses brand image, in the 1950s the primary focus was on businesses ' responsibilities to society and doing good deeds for society. In the 1980s, business and social interest’s became closer and firms became more responsive to their stakeholders. During the 1990s the idea of CSR became almost universally approved, finally in the 2000s, CSR became an important business strategic issue (Rosamaria et al. 2011).

Greenwashing, derived from the term "whitewashing," was created by the environmental activists to describe efforts by corporations to portray themselves as environmentally responsible, in order to mask environmental wrongdoings. The term "greenwashing" was originally used to describe misleading instances of environmental advertising, but as corporations ' efforts to portray themselves as environmentally friendly have diversified, so have charges of greenwashing. The term is now used to refer to a wider range or corporate activities, including: instances of environmental reporting, event sponsorship, the distribution of educational materials, and the creation of "front groups." However, regardless of this strategy employed, the main objective of greenwashing is to give consumers and policy makers the impression that the company is taking the necessary steps to manage its ecological

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