
Cultural Culture In Germany

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Germany is a highly diverse country filled with historic sites and a variety of countryside.

The country is full of all walks of life from the North Sea to the Swiss Alps in the south. The

language spoken there is Deutsch but just like anywhere else depending upon where you are can

determine the different types of dialect you might hear. For instance, in the Northern part of

Germany, you might hear a more Danish dialect and in the South, you might find a lot more

Swedish speaking individuals. The German country is rich in history and has contributed to

Europe in a plethora of ways it's almost unprecedented, and their influence is still felt throughout

Europe and the rest of the world today. To say that there is one single German culture wouldn't

be doing the country any justice. Germany is arguably one of the most culturally diverse nations

in all of Europe. This is largely due in part of the almost central location of Germany in Europe,

and the amount of federally funded programs that are available there. Germany gets its

reputation as one of the major cultural nations due to major influences in the country throughout

the eras from famous music composers to literary geniuses. Cultural awareness is arguably one

of the most important assets as a military we must have that is why I feel the need to cover the

main aspects of Germany in which their culture is influenced and derived from on a day to day

basis of their lives.

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