
Cultural Differences In Judaism, Christianity, And Islam

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Judaism (Jewish), Christianity (Christians), and Islam (Muslims) are all world religions and each has a great deal to offer faithful followers, but each one merits serious attention, and full devotion. Religion and identity are highly stressed, and are never casual, indifferent, or meant to be spread out among contending convictions. Like Judaism and Islam, Christianity has beautiful rituals and festivals with unique music, and values and ideals worthy of a great religion. The major difference among them arise, not solely from their different historical experiences, but from their basic beliefs and the way the religion is focused and viewed. These differences help to shape individuals characters, values, and help them to focus the views of their beliefs of understanding their own religious world around them. Unlike Judaism, Christianity is found on a specific set of beliefs,the Bible, originating in Europe.The Canon law was the body of laws and regulations made by authority, the Church leadership, for the government of a Christian organization or church and its members to follow. When you are a Christian your fate is …show more content…

This fact has been highly clouded because of the history of conflicts amongst the two. They share prayer, the sacred texts, fasting, and the pilgrimage. The Muslims unlike their Christian, have no creed keeping them from changing their religion, but to remain Muslim they have many creeds that must be believed and followed. When Muslim, belonging and behaving proceed believing. Their faith believes that an individual must be courageously steadfast and highly trustworthy. Sharia Law which was a body of moral and religious law derived from religious beliefs. They believed Jesus was a true prophet of God, born of a virgin birth and never died but ascended to Heaven. These beliefs were taught through imams at a mosque typically on

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